

Site Assessment

We will conduct a free initial site assessment to evaluate and understand your specific needs as an operator. We will help you identify, profile and plan for your cannabis waste compliance and sustainability.

Waste Management Plans

We will create a customized site-specific cannabis waste management plan to have you in adherence of all applicable local, State and Federal laws and regulations. Our pick-up schedule and frequency will be customized to each client’s needs.

Secure Waste Storage

Enso will provide storage bins to handle your estimated waste volume. We provide your company with the correct waste storage option size based on the estimated waste on a consistent basis. The provided bins are secured and labeled.

Storage Options

Waste Manifest

Cannabis waste must be responsibly disposed, tracked and traced. Enso’s tracking method provides transparency and documentation that your waste was properly disposed to meet all state requirements.


Once cannabis waste is brought to our facility, we begin processing the waste and then taking it to the appropriate composting, recycling, and/or transformation phases to ensure all material is properly rendered. We utilize an EarthFlow Intermodal – 20 machine, built by Green Mountain Technologies, that reduces the composting process time from 180+ days to 45 days from start to finish. Enso Solutions will be providing finished compost to the community as well to as our customers who request it.